In the last two decades, social capital is one of the new concepts that has found a significant place in economic and social studies. But there is always a lot of debate amongst thinkers about how the relationship between social capital, health and economic growth. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between indicators of social capital and human capital of health with economic growth of the provinces using the panel data Vector Auto regression for the period of 2005-2015. To calculate the social capital index of 11 variables, 5 variables have been used to calculate health Capital. Experimental results obtained from estimating the model and examining the interaction of research variables in the framework of analysis of variance, show that in the period under review, not only economic growth has a positive effect on social capital and health capital of the provinces but also higher levels of social capital. Health capital in the provinces of the country has improved and with the increase of health capital, it has led to the improvement and formation of social capital.
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ghiasi, M. , , sarlak, A. , and ghafari, H. . "Investigating the relationship between social capital, health capital and economic growth in Provinces of Iran", Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 7, 3, 2020, 131-156. doi: 10.22034/ecoj.2020.11560
ghiasi, M., sarlak, A., ghafari, H. (2020). 'Investigating the relationship between social capital, health capital and economic growth in Provinces of Iran', Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 7(3), pp. 131-156. doi: 10.22034/ecoj.2020.11560
M. ghiasi , A. sarlak and H. ghafari, "Investigating the relationship between social capital, health capital and economic growth in Provinces of Iran," Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 7 3 (2020): 131-156, doi: 10.22034/ecoj.2020.11560
ghiasi, M., sarlak, A., ghafari, H. Investigating the relationship between social capital, health capital and economic growth in Provinces of Iran. Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 2020; 7(3): 131-156. doi: 10.22034/ecoj.2020.11560