Housing is crucial in addressing poverty by providing shelter and is closely interconnected with various aspects of life. This issue is outlined in goals 11 and 1 of the Sustainable Development Goals as part of global planning. To accurately identify the problem, this study measured housing poverty and its economic and social determinants in Iran during the 1390s, based on the United Nations Human Settlements Program's definition. This was achieved using two combined indices: the percentage of households lacking affordable housing and those living in unsuitable housing. Four models were estimated using the generalized method of moments (GMM) and fully modified least squares to analyze the data.
The results indicate that Tehran and Alborz provinces have the highest percentage of households with housing costs exceeding 30% of their total household costs. On the other hand, Hormozgan Sistan and Baluchistan provinces have the highest rate of households facing multiple housing deprivations. Economic variables such as income, housing prices, and lagged dependent variables were found to directly impact the percentage of households lacking affordable housing and living in unsuitable housing. Social variables, however, did not show a significant effect on housing poverty in Iran. The fully modified most miniature squares model highlighted that housing prices and income are the most influential variables affecting housing poverty in Iranian provinces in the long term
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Shahab, A. , , Karimi, M. S. , and Delangizan, S. . "The Effect of Economic and Social Factors on Housing Poverty in Iran", Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 10, 4, 2024, 103-140. doi: 10.22034/ecoj.2024.59220.3254
Shahab, A., Karimi, M. S., Delangizan, S. (2024). 'The Effect of Economic and Social Factors on Housing Poverty in Iran', Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 10(4), pp. 103-140. doi: 10.22034/ecoj.2024.59220.3254
A. Shahab , M. S. Karimi and S. Delangizan, "The Effect of Economic and Social Factors on Housing Poverty in Iran," Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 10 4 (2024): 103-140, doi: 10.22034/ecoj.2024.59220.3254
Shahab, A., Karimi, M. S., Delangizan, S. The Effect of Economic and Social Factors on Housing Poverty in Iran. Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 2024; 10(4): 103-140. doi: 10.22034/ecoj.2024.59220.3254