Document Type : Research Paper
Researcher at Women's Social Issues Research Group, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR) , Alzahra branch
Facultyl member of Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Alzahra branch, Tehran, Iran
assistant professor of Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Alzahra branch, Tehran, Iran
Facultyl member of University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran
Given the growing role of home-based businesses in the country's economic and social dynamics, accurately identifying the factors influencing the development of this sector is of paramount importance. This research aims to identify key factors affecting the growth of home-based businesses to facilitate policy-making in this area and maximize the potential of home-based businesses in the country. This study employs a mixed-methods approach (qualitative and quantitative) with an exploratory and applied research design. To this end, 44 interviews were conducted with policymakers, executive officials in the home-based business sector, university professors, and entrepreneurship researchers, as well as entrepreneurs and pioneers in the home-based business field. The data obtained from the interviews were coded and thematically analyzed using MAXQDA 2023 software. After coding the data and identifying key categories and subcategories, the factors were ranked using the method of interaction analysis. The results showed that the capacity of development and support institutions, the role of unions and associations, networking, clustering and sustainability, education, a supportive-developmental approach, positive discrimination, financial facilities and facilitation, virtual facilities and facilitation, and physical-spatial facilities and facilitation are the key factors in the home-based business system in Iran. It is expected that these findings, which have led to the identification of challenges and key points related to home-based businesses in the country, will result in the provision of practical solutions to improve productivity, enhance working conditions, develop more effective policies, and ultimately increase the share of home-based businesses in the national economy
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