Associate Professor of Economics, Kharazmi University
Assistant Professor of Economics, Kharazmi University
M.A in Economics, Kharazmi University
In recent years, the role of stock market in the economy of Iran is growing. Therefore, it is important to recognize the factors affecting to this market. Changes in the money supply can be one of this factors, so this study investigates long run neutrality of money in the stock market of Iran. In this regard, quarterly data of monetary aggregates M1, M2 and the real stock indexes that is total index, industrial index and financial index has been employed in this study over the period ranging from the second quarter of 2001 to the second quarter of 2015. In this paper the order of integration of the series for money supply and real stock indexes has been identified by using Hegy[1] test. The Fisher-Seater (FS) methodology has been used to test the neutrality of money in this research. The empirical results indicate that permanent changes in money supply (defined as M1) don’t affect the real stock indexes. Similar results were also obtained for money defined as M2. In general, the results support that money is neutral in the stock market of Iran.
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Monjazeb, M. , , Rafei, M. , and Ahmadi, M. . "The Test of Money Neutrality In Stock Market of Iran", Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 6, 4, 2020, 137-162.
Monjazeb, M., Rafei, M., Ahmadi, M. (2020). 'The Test of Money Neutrality In Stock Market of Iran', Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 6(4), pp. 137-162.
M. Monjazeb , M. Rafei and M. Ahmadi, "The Test of Money Neutrality In Stock Market of Iran," Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 6 4 (2020): 137-162,
Monjazeb, M., Rafei, M., Ahmadi, M. The Test of Money Neutrality In Stock Market of Iran. Quarterly Journal of Applied Theories of Economics, 2020; 6(4): 137-162.