Author = ranjpour, reza
The effect of financial development of listed companies on the growth of industry sector in Isfahan province

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 December 2024


zhila saleki; Saman Hatamerad; reza ranjpour

Analyzing Real Effects of Uncertainty in Financial Markets with the Emphasizing on Islamic Treasury Bond

Volume 9, Issue 1, June 2022, Pages 91-114


Najmeh Izadi; Mohammad Ali Motafakker Azad; Reza Ranjpour; Zahra Karimi Takanlou

Evaluating the Effects of Scope Economies of Diversification of loans on Bank’s Return Criteria

Volume 8, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 55-88


Nazila Moharam Joudi; Mohammad Mehdi Barghi Osqoie; Reza Ranjpour

The Study of the Most Effective Factors Explaining Economic Growth in OIC Countries: Bayesian Panel Likelihood Ppproach

Volume 5, Issue 3, December 2018, Pages 239-263

Ali Besharat; Reza Ranjpour; Seyed Kamal Sadeghi

The Impact of Economic Variables on Food Security in the Provinces of Iran: Measuring and Comparing

Volume 3, Issue 4, February 2017, Pages 47-76

Fatemeh Bagherzadeh Azar; Reza Ranjpour; Zahra Karami Takanlou; Mohammad Ali Motaffaker Azad; Ahmad Assadzadeh