Identification of the Most Important Variables Affecting the Mechanism of Monetary Policy Transmission in the Iranian Economy with the Dynamic Model Averaging Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd student of economics of Islamic Azad University, Aliguderz branch

2 Associate Professor, University of Imam Sadegh

3 Associate Professor, University of Shahid Beheshti


Many economists agree that monetary policy affects the real sector of the economy in the short term, but their disagreement is over the channels of influence and their relative importance. The research's main purpose was to identify the most important mechanism of monetary policy transmission in the Iranian economy with the dynamic model averaging approach.
Thirty-four variables affecting monetary policy transmission through the neoclassical channel and twenty-two variables affecting the monetary transmission mechanism in the non-neoclassical model were entered into the model. According to the results, the neoclassical channel has a higher share in the monetary mechanism transmission system than the non-neoclassical channel.According to the results, the most important channels of monetary policy transmission in the Iranian economy are the effective real exchange rate variables, free-market interest rate, informal exchange rate deviation from the formal, total stock index growth rate, land price index in Tehran, the volume of money, total debt to the banking system and the growth rate are credits granted to the private sector.
According to the results, total debt to the banking system, free-market interest rate and informal exchange rate deviation from the formal had a negative effect on economic growth and other variables had a positive effect on economic growth


Main Subjects

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