The Effect of Institutions on Development of Islamic Countries in Group D8

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student of Economic, Bu-Ali Sina University.

2 Associate Professor of Economics, Bu-Ali Sina University


Having proper level of development to enjoy from its benefit (wealth, welfare and equality) is one of priorities every society. There are many factors that effect on development. One of these factors is institutions and it has dedicated much discussion among development researchers and politician. Institutions by reducing the transaction costs, decrease investment risk and greater participation of people in economic activities, social and political can have a positive impact on development process .In this regard, in this paper, we investigate the effect of institutions (it shows using governance indicators) on development in the Islamic member countries of Group D8 within the period 1999-2013 by panel data method. The result show that variable of institutions has positive and significant effect on development. Also, variable of capital, variable of FDI and variable of equality have positive and significant effect on development. Human capital variable has positive and insignificant effect on development.



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